M&M Youth Camp
Camp Details
The "M&M Memorial Youth Camp" hosted by the Darlington High School Marching Band is a youth camp catered to any child between the ages of 5 and 12. Students who will be turning 5 soon are also encouraged to register. This is an opportunity that your child will definitely enjoy! Every year, we've had more than 100 children register to participate in this camp, and they as well as their parents have truly enjoyed it. We have a number of students who are currently in our marching band that benefited from this youth camp.
What Will my Child be doing?
The children participating will have the option of choosing 1 of 3 cohorts while at the camp. Those Cohorts include Dance, DrumMajor & Drumline. Students will be separated and grouped with their cohorts for the proper training. All students who attend all 3 weeks or are registered for the full camp ($100) will perform at the end of camp showcase. Students will be provided with a camp shirt.
Itinerary | Camp Schedule
Students will meet Monday through Thursday each week for training. Each day begins at 8 am and ends at 3 pm. Students are to be dropped off at the DHS Cafeteria for breakfast. Camp instructors and staff will meet them there. Students will also be provided lunch and a snack. Week 1 will begin on June 19th. Below is a daily breakdown.
8:00 am. Report Time | Breakfast (provided)
9:00 am. Restroom break
10:00am Instruction & Training begins
12:00pm Lunch (Provided)
1:00pm. Instruction & Training begins
3:00pm. Dismissal (Students will be picked up from the band room parking lot)
The Camp is only $125 for a full 3 weeks of instruction. Why pay a babysitter hundreds of dollars a week, when you can just pay a one-time fee of $125 and we'll be happy to train your child for the next 3 weeks! If your child is unable to do the full camp, they may attend any week of their choice for only $50. Only students who are registered for the full camp will participate in the showcase at the conclusion of the camp.
Important Links
Check out our links below for important resources.